Flight Test For Fun - RC Aircraft and Helicopters

Contrary to popular belief, people who work in model shops do not play all day every day with your models!
But on Friday afternoon, Dale and I decided to fly with our models. We closed the shop dead on 6 clock (usually do not leave until gone 7). We have been redeemed and loaded by our secret airfield in Kent 6.30.
We arrived at the airfield around 6.45, all models are still intact after a mad dash along the A2and some country roads rather than curved.
For the first car were a couple of Weston Cougars, one of my favorite cards (sorry for the board term, but I class as heli-flyer). Once started, both in the air and it was a remarkable difference in performance between the two. Dale has a OS46LA, while I attacked a West Eurotech 36 We have both decided to go for height, (when I say high, I mean the clouds in the way) climb rate was respectable DaleBut I climbed like a homesick angel. After several attempts to do flat spin and some low inverted circuits I was out of fuel, was forced to land and leave the next model.
The next candidate was a Century Predator Gasser you've had previous flight. The beauty of petrol models is that they are cheap to run and no equipment necessary starting time. The previous flight was used to set the range of models and the engine properly. After some modifications to the engine Iwas satisfied with the way he ran, I thought we threw a few circuits with a few gentle laps to do so for good measure. I must say, this is probably the model more stable in hover, which I have ever flown. I landed, then checks to Dale for a quick game. He also loved how stable is flying.
The amount of fun you can have with an electric Zagi is amazing. This model is much more fun and so unbreakable, I found the most stupid things with him. AsSkimming of the strip with the prop clipping the grass on the way through, from the stall and see that they get the maximum bounce when he hit the deck!
Who cares, the chances of failure that are close to zero.
So for the rest of the evening .... more until we were reminded that fly in the dark - I used to do regularly - you need to "Glow". ()
So, back to the store to download all models - we both commented what a great nightFly is probably one of the best this year - we are not trying to seek the fate or something, but now charging everything in sight ready for another evening full of fun.
One of the best things you can invest, is a fast charger - perfect for those last minute decision to fly, we all have a lot of miles on my poor old Ripmax quick charger.
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