Migrating from internal combustion engines with an electric RC airplane

They usually go for RC pilots by an electric motor RC airplane models of progress as their flying skills and their growing interest in greater realism. But sometimes the progression is running in the opposite direction, with the glow driver neglect or nitro-and 2-stroke engines for RC electric motors. This should not be too difficult to understand, because there are advantages to fly using an electric motor for the RC.
Internal combustion engines produce exhaust gases from the engine,and loosing the exhaust ends up as a point of contention for some fliers. For pilots concerned about the pollution produced by glow and true gas engines, switching to electrics makes good sense. Moreover, an electric RC plane does not generate noise in the way that an IC engine does. Electric engines are also more reliable and less likely to cut off than glow engines.
Flying with a glow or true gasoline-powered engine is not only noisy and polluting but also rather messy. Since there is either fuel oil or electric RC plane with a connected could be all this mess (and costs) are eliminated. But while the pilot should not be greater than supply and cleaning of the aircraft in question, needs to become familiar with the handling and proper maintenance of battery care. Pilots should be aware of their battery and their properties. This is particularly the case in which they are affected lithium-polymer (or LiPo) batteries. Lithium batteries combine high power and long flightTimes very small, light packages, but are extremely dangerous if they are loaded, unloaded and properly stored and should be treated with the utmost care.
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